What Pathologists Need to Know for MIPS 2024

January 24, 2024

For the 2024 MIPS performance year, there are 7 retained measures available through CMS for Pathologists to earn points in the MIPS program. There are no new or deleted measures for this year and only one small revision to Measure 491.

Clinicians will still be expected to report at least 6 quality measures, with one designated outcome measure. If no outcome measure is applicable, they will be expected to report a High Priority measure. If a group reports all 7 available measures, the 6 highest-scoring are used to determine the final MIPS point total.

Revised Measure:
•    Measure 491- MMR or MMI Biomarker Testing now includes ICD-10® code: C16.2 – Malignant neoplasm of body of stomach

Measures that have been retained for 2024:
•    Measure 249: Barrett’s Esophagus
o    Measure Type: Process

•    Measure 250: Radical Prostatectomy
o    Measure Type: Process

•    Measure 395: Lung Cancer Biopsy/Cytology
o    Measure Type: Process- High Priority

•    Measure 396: Lung Cancer Resections
o    Measure Type: Process- High Priority

•    Measure 397: Melanoma Reporting
o    Measure Type: Process- High Priority

•    Measure 440: Basal Cell Carcinoma/ Squamous Cell Carcinoma reporting time
o    Measure Type: Process- High Priority

•    Measure 491: MMR or MSI Biomarker Testing
o    Measure Type: Process- High Priority


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