As we start the 2022 MIPS performance year, radiologists will see some changes to the measures in the Quality category.
Clinicians will still be expected to report at least 6 quality measures, with one designated an Outcome measure. If no Outcome measure is applicable, they will be expected to report on a High Priority measure.
Two commonly-reported measures have been deleted for 2022:
• #195: Stenosis Measurement in Carotid Imaging Reports
• #225: Reminder System for Screening Mammograms
Radiologists that previously included one or both of the deleted measures in their reporting to the Program will need to review the impact this will have on their ability to report on the required 6 measures in 2022 and, if needed, incorporate additional measure(s) as needed into their reporting this year.
The 2022 available measures for radiology and their respective specifications are detailed in the below PDF.